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How to update for Molla theme

To update the Molla theme, you only need to follow the following steps

1) Check the theme version

Go to admin MGS -> Theme Settings then you can see the theme version

Now the latest version is 1.0.1, so if you don't see any version, so it is oldest (1.0.0)

2) Then download the latest version from themeforest

You only need to download the theme from themeforest

3) In the theme package you downloaded, open molla_v1.0.1/Themes/Source/patches/ folder then you will see like this

if you followed our document to install the theme, please ignore for_magento_2.2.x (x>=8) and for_magento_2.3+ patch, you only need to apply other patches. 

If you are using the theme version 1.0.0, and want to apply to the latest version, you have to apply follow the orders, for example, the latest version is 1.0.4 and you are using version 1.0.0, you have to apply the orders: patch_theme_version_1.0.1 -> patch_theme_version_1.0.2 -> patch_theme_version_1.0.3 -> patch_theme_version_1.0.4

Important Note: you have to open per patch and read Readme file to apply the patch