error after upgrade the new patch
If you get this problem
{"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"illegal_argument_exception","reason":"Unknown filter type [phonetic] for [phonetic]"}],"type":"illegal_argument_exception","reason":"Unknown filter type [phonetic] for [phonetic]"},"status":400}
Don't worry
This is because the lack of 2 plugins of elasticsearch are analysis-phonetic and analysis-icu
So, how to handle this problem?
- Get into your server by SSH root
- Move to where you set up for elasticsearch, you can find it by this command: whereis elasticsearch
By default, it is settled at /usr/share/elasticsearch
Then please follow these steps
1 - Move to where you set up for elasticsearch by this command: cd /usr/share/elasticsearch
2 - Set up plugin analysis-phonetic by the command: bin/elasticsearch-plugin install analysis-phonetic
3 - Set up plugin analysis-icu by the command: bin/elasticsearch-plugin install analysis-icu
4 - Restart elasticsearch by the command: sudo service elasticsearch restart
Finally run command setup:upgrade in the patch (php bin/magento setup:upgrade)