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GemMart - Shopify Theme (1)
Lusion - Wordpress Theme (22)
Molla - Magento Theme (74)
Amely - Shopify Theme (1)
Arangi - Organic WooCommerce Theme (2)
Supro - Magento Theme (90)
Modus - Modern Furniture WooCommerce Theme (1)
Claue - Magento Theme (203)
Solaz - An Elegant Hotel & Lodge WordPress Theme (1)

Google Map API don't show up on the Contact page
Problem: Google Map shows on the Store Locator page, but it won't show up on the Contact page.
Because now Google doesn't allow you to use their map for free anymore, so there are quite a few functions that use the Google APIs that cannot be used as before. You will need to subscribe and pay to use that.
So please double check and make sure you subscribed. Then check it again.