Issue with the "items number" and "add to cart button"
The "items number" and "add to cart button" are very near each other and the "items Number " is too wide compared to what it is in initial theme:

If you encounter this error, please go to admin -> MGS -> Front-end Builder -> Font & Style -> Custom Style:
And replace this paragraph:
.catalog-product-view .product-info-main .box-tocart .fieldset .product-addto-links+.field.qty
{ width: calc(100% - 63px) !important; margin: 0; }
To this paragraph:
@media(max-width: 767px) {
.catalog-product-view .product-info-main .box-tocart .fieldset .product-addto-links+.field.qty
{ width: calc(100% - 63px) !important; margin: 0; }
Finally, clear all cache and check your site on private browser: