
1. Blank page when accessing to AM Revolution slider or some extensions in the admin panel ( Magento1 )

2. How to create a custom css file

3. How to add google font and custom font

4. How to upgrade theme

5. How to setup Map in Contact Page

6. How to deploy

1. Blank page when accessing to AM Revolution slider or some extensions in the admin panel ( Magento1 )

This issue occur when you have not applied the patches, please follow the below instruction

- If you use magento 1.9.1.x, so please apply the content of patch1.9.1.x to magento root on your server

- If you use magento 1.9.2.x, so please apply the content of patch1.9.1.x and 1.9.2.x to magento root on your server ( 1.9.1.x -> 1.9.2.x )

- If you use magento 1.9.3.x, so please apply the content of patch1.9.1.x, 1.9.2.x and 1.9.3.x to magento root on your server ( 1.9.1.x -> 1.9.2.x -> 1.9.3.x ).

Also you should disable cache and compilation while using the frontend builder.

2. How to create a custom css file

If you want to add more css code, the best way is you should create an other custom file and add your css code to it, I will guide 1) Create a file mycustom.css in app\design\frontend\Mgs\claue\web\css\ folder

2) Declare it in \app\design\frontend\Mgs\mgsblank\Magento_Theme\layout\default.xml as the way we declared other css file

3) You can add your css to mycustom.css file but you must deploy again to your change reflect to the frontend. Note to remove the content of var and pub/static/frontend/ folder before deploying

4) If you don't want to deploy again each add css to file, you can add your css to mycustom.css file in pub/ folder directly but note after edting it, you must copy the changes to mycsutom.css file in app/design/ folder

3. How to add google font and custom font

Please refer the following video:

4. How to upgrade theme

To upgrade theme, please follow step by step below:


Go to MGS -> Theme Settings then look on the left menu to specify theme version you are using

save image

If you don't see the version as above, please find theme package that you used to install theme, you will see the theme version that following theme name, like this:

Step2) Then specific the theme version, you must open "Patches" folder and apply all of the patches that it's version is higher, for example you are are using theme version 1.4.5 and want to apply to newest version ( 1.5.0 ) so you must apply all of patches from 1.4.6 -> 1.5.0 and of course you need to read readme.txt in each patch before updating.

Note: don't care about these patches when you update theme

5. How to setup Map in Contact Page

1) Get google API key, login to google then go this link: then create a project if it was not created yet!

2) Then create a new api key, take a look:

3) Then clicking on the API key, just created

it will take you to this page

here you will authenticate your contact page: ( your_domain/contact and your_domain/contact/ )

then you save, maybe it will take up to 5 minutes for setting to take effect, please patience

4) Then copy the Google API key and paste to setting in your magento theme, go to MGS -> General Setting -> "Google Map on Contact Page", look:

save imagethen Save Config, refresh Cache, wait about 5 minutes and check again

6. How to deploy

1) Before deploying, please remove the content of var/, generated/ and pub/static/frontend/Mgs/ folder

2) Connect to your server by SSH account, navigate to magento root then run:

php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f