Lusion - Wordpress Theme


1. Register account not working?

2. Turn off remember product, fake sale popup

3. Change logo and change size logo

4. Add filter shop sidebar

5. Error whenpage does not load content

6. Update plugin

7. Change currency

8. Site Speed Up for WordPress Theme

9. How to add the tick box of terms and conditions on the check out page?

10. How to add color and size in product detail page

11. Import template

12. Import Slider Revolution

13. Change currency

14. Can't import demo content?

15. Edit Header or Footer with Elementor builder

16. Widgets Keep Loading

17. Update new home page

18. Change domain

19. Can't install arrowpress importer plugin?

20. Change http to https

21. Translate: I have read and agree to the website

22. Checkout page new design

1. Register account not working?

- Enable register in My Account page

Navigate to Woocommerce > Settings > Accounts, check the box Enable registration on the "My Account" page


2. Turn off remember product, fake sale popup

You can go to Appearance -> Customize -> Popup -> Sale Popup -> Remove template sale popup by Please Select Option - > Save

Then, Turn off Sale popup - > Save

Remember Product: Do the same with Sale Popup.

3. Change logo and change size logo

1: Change logo: You can go to Appearance -> Customize -> Site Identity -> Upload logo 


2: Change size logo: You can go to Header Builder -> Edit header with Elementor -> Click logo -> Click tab style -> Change width for logo


4. Add filter shop sidebar

1: You need create filter in BeRocket -> Choose filter you want

Then, you can go to Appearance -> Widgets -> Shop sidebar -> Add widgets

The end, you can go to Appreance -> Customize -> Shop -> Shop Archive -> Choose sidebar and choose filter show top.

5. Error whenpage does not load content


You can got to Edit Header with Elementor -> Click icon bar for mobile -> Select the same menu with on the desktop - > Save

6. Update plugin

First you need to deactivate and delete the plugin.

Then click install and activate the plugin again

7. Change currency

You can deactived WooCommerce Currency Switcher plugin and choose in setting Woocommerce


Or you can config in setting WOOCS - WooCommerce Currency Switcher

8. Site Speed Up for WordPress Theme

We recommend some following plugins:   

- WP Fastest Cache plugin to cache the site.

- Autoptimize plugin to minify HTML, CSS, JS the site.

Turn on option Image lazy-loading will delay the loading of non-visible images to allow the browser to optimally load all resources for the "above the fold"-page first.

Add class in option Lazy-load exclusions: no-lazyload, side-breadcrumb, wcvashopswatchlabel, attachment-yith-woocompare-image

- EWWW Image Optimizer plugin to reduce image sizes.

You can convert from jpg, png to WebP format to improve site loading speed

Then, You can go to Media -> Bulk Optimize -> Optimize image

9. How to add the tick box of terms and conditions on the check out page?

You can go to Appearance -> Customize -> Addvanced -> Custom Css -> Enter Css

input {
    -webkit-appearance: auto;
    -moz-appearance: auto;
    appearance: auto;

10. How to add color and size in product detail page


First you need to create a variable product. You can refer to the following instructions: When Import Demo Content we also created variable products you can refer to Black Fashion Handbag products

After creating the Variable product you load the page and click Wooswatches -> select Option Custom Color or Image Swatches and Save

11. Import template


You can go to Edit With Eleemntor ->  Save as Template -> Enter name template > You can export template.

Then, you can import template new domain -> go to Edit page with Template -> Click icon Add Template -> Click My Template -> Import Tempalte -> Inster Template -> Save

12. Import Slider Revolution

1: Go to Slider Revolution -> Manual Import

Then you can choose the slider homepage you want in the package -> Import

13. Change currency


Thank for you purchase.

If you don't use the CURRENCY change plugin you have DEACTIVATE plugins.

Then you can change currency in WooCommerce -> Settings -> Currency options

If you use the Change CURRENCY plugin. You can go to WooCommerce -> Settings -> Currency -> Change or add currency

14. Can't import demo content?

First you need to activate the necessary plugins.

Then you need to active theme:

Finally, you need to import the base content and slider before you import the homepage you want.

15. Edit Header or Footer with Elementor builder


You need config Elementor setting allow edit footer (header) with Elementor

Then, you can hover Edit with Elementor in topbar -> Click Footer(Header) -> You can change content with Elementor builder

16. Widgets Keep Loading


You can install and active classic widgets plugin.

With Version WordPress 5.8 they changed the Widgets to Editor.

17. Update new home page

You can update the new homepage according to the following instructions:

You need to download the latest version from ThemeForest. Then, you need update latest version theme.

Step 1: You can go to Tool -> Import -> Install and Run Importer

Step 2: Choose file xml from the package -> Click Upload file and import

Step 3: Then, You need choose user is Admin and turn on option Download and import file attachments -> Submit

You do the same with the rest of the xml files.

18. Change domain

Click here to know how to get Purchase Code. Note that, with “Regular License”, one Purchase Code is used for only 1 domain.

Note: If you want to change the domain? You can follow the instructions here and you can only change the domain once.

Note: Once Required Plugins are configured, you may be interested in installing sample content as our demo sites. In the next section, we will guide you about demo installation.

19. Can't install arrowpress importer plugin?

If you are unable to install the arrowpress importer plugin for the first time. Try reinstalling a few times.

Or you can install it manually by: go to Plugins -> Add New -> Upload plugin -> Choose plugin the package download to ThemeForest

20. Change http to https

If your domain switches from HTTP to HTTPS you need to follow the following instructions:

You can go to Settings -> General -> You need change URL form http -> https -> Save

21. Translate: I have read and agree to the website

You can go to Appearance -> Customize -> WooCommerce -> Checkout -> In option Terms and conditions page -> Choose page -> You can change content.

22. Checkout page new design

Checkout page we have revised the design.

You can update the checkout page again with the following instructions:

Enter class hide-logo