  Public Ticket #1322725
I can't use shortcode


  • Helen started the conversation

    Hallo. I can't use them's shortcodes. How can i customize Deily deals product? How can i use Group Deal Settings? How can i activate my copy of the Ultimate Addons for Visual Composer to get update notifications, access to support features & other resources or what mast i do?

    And how and where can i customise Best selling Product, Slide feature product and another Product Show?

    Thank you.

  • [deleted] replied

    Dear Helen.

    1. How can i customize Deily deals product? 


    2. How can i use Group Deal Settings?

    Group Deal Settings only show products that are Deal.

    3. How can i activate my copy of the Ultimate Addons for Visual Composer to get update notifications, access to support features & other resources or what mast i do?

    We bought Ultimate Addons for Visual Composer extend version for Gelli theme. If you use Ultimate Addons for Visual Composer that inhere in packet theme, then you can't activate it. If you want new version you can download at http://demo.arrowpress.net/plugins/Ultimate_VC_Addons.zip

    4. how and where can i customise Best selling Product

    Best selling Products are products that were bought most.

    5. Slide feature product

    That is slider of feature Product. (https://www.modernmarketingpartners.com/set-featured-products-woocommerce/)

    Thank you!