  Public Ticket #1327754
Theme Not working


  • Naveed started the conversation

    Dear Theme developer,

    I follower the instructions to install the theme on my domain. I am using magento 2.2 version. but  when trying to run these commands it says

    [~/public_html]# php bin/magento module:enable MGS_Mpanel
    Unknown module(s): 'MGS_Mpanel'
    [~/public_html]# php bin/magento module:enable MGS_Mmegamenu
    Unknown module(s): 'MGS_Mmegamenu'

    Please let me know if this theme is competible with 2.2 version or not. kind regards.I uploaded all three folders to my magnto root. I uploaded the app folder from the patch folder as instructed. Kind regards.


  • Naveed replied

    managed to install the theme will update if require further help :)