  Public Ticket #1346747
Connect Braintree whit Oscheckout


  • Alessandro started the conversation

    Hi, I installed Braintree on my site, but OSCHECKOUT does not see this payment method, how can I fix it?

    Thank you

  • [deleted] replied


    Thanks for your feedback, the first please make sure that the Braintree is working fine on the default checkout, please go to admin Mage Solutions -> One Step Checkout then disable it and use default checkout, if the braintree works fine with default checkout but not works on the oscheckout, I will check for you

  • Alessandro replied

    Hi, I disable Magento's original checkout and activated yours.

    Braintree does not work, nor does the keys go to the cart.

    Here is a screen.

    Thank you

  • [deleted] replied


    I mean, you need to check the braintree on the original checkout and make sure that it is working fine on the default checkout

  • Alessandro replied

    Hi, braintree in the original checkout, it works perfectly, before going to re-activate the OSCHECKOUT, it worked smoothly.

    Can you check the system?

    If you go into checkout, when I choose the "Credit and Debit Card" method, you do not get the Braintree frame. If I use Google Chrome Inspection, I do not point to any errors, if not the Sagepay configuration, but we have no activation.

    Thank you

  • Alessandro replied

    Hi, I still have problems with Braintree in the checkout, I would not want to lose sales.

    Now it's charging me, but the graphics are not correct, could you check it out?

    I attached the screen

    Thank you

  •   [deleted] replied privately
  • Alessandro replied

    Ok, then I'll use Checkout out of the IWD, even if I prefer to use the original theme of the theme.

    How can I completely disable and remove the Oscheckout?

    Thank you

  • [deleted] replied


    To disable the Oscheckout, please go to Mage Solutions -> One Step Checkout then you can set "No" to disable it.