  Public Ticket #1347725
Change Source theme (No child)


  • Vincenzo started the conversation


    I have some difficults with theme (Or platform!?).

    I want to change header2 changing code (no child theme).

    I want to remove gray block in section "top-header-content". I've tried to remove it from \claue\Magento_Theme\template\html\header.phtml and \claue\Magento_Theme\template\html\headers\header_2.phtml but the page (imported from "Home Boxed") still remain the same. I have builder disabled.

    Is this caused because I've imported home page (and then only edit possible is by a Builder)?

    I'm in developer mode without cache.

  • [deleted] replied


    No, if you know the code, you can edit in the files, to know what files do you need to edit, you can use this feature of the magento:


    Please make sure your changes is correct, if correct, the changes will be applied to the frontend.

    Because it is custom theme, so sorry I will can't more about this

  • Vincenzo replied

    Yes, I've changed this file:


    removing all code except "header3" but "top-header-content" is still on frontend 

    I've deleted also 

    rm -rf pub/static/*  var/view_preprocessed/*