  Public Ticket #1348383
Primary Color


  • six12creative started the conversation

    I'm using the one-page "start-up" version of riven. The colour scheme seems to be pulling "chateau-green" from a CSS file called chateau-green.css and the Primary and Hilight colours are not overriding that. 

    I could hack the theme files to fix it, but I would rather the colour be configurable through the theme settings. 

    Am I doing something wrong? Or is this a bug? 

    It appears that there are some other colour options in the same folder, but there doesn't appear to be a way to choose between them either. 

  •  608
    WordPress replied


    Thanks for your purchase. 

    It is because of the special color selected in the page editor. You can edit page, scroll down to the bottom and uncheck the box for enabling special skin color. 

