  Public Ticket #1365223
Images not showing in blog content


  • Max started the conversation

    I have claue theme with magento 2.2 installed. Also installed the patch for the 2.2 theme. 

    I noticed that if you add images in the blog content (through wysiwyg editor) they do not show. 

    I found a ticket with the same problem, but unfortunately the fix is not shown cause the ticket is private. 

    Could you please share the fix for this problem

  • [deleted] replied


    Please provide your site info ( site url, admin account and ssh account ) I will check and help you

  •   Max replied privately
  • [deleted] replied


    Thanks but I will need to edit code, so if you can't provide ssh, what about ftp access detail? Can you please provide?

  •   Max replied privately
  • [deleted] replied


    Sorry but I just checked, tried to add a image by wysiwyg editor to blog and it is showing fine, can you please check here


    Or have you already resolved the problem

  • Max replied


    That is really strange, now it is working.  You could see in the same post that the image i added before is not shown. This happened to several blog posts.

    I do not know why it is working now. 

    I will investigate further and try to add more images. If the problem shows up again, I will contact you.

    Thank you for looking into it. 

    Kind Regards,
