  Public Ticket #1365490
Homepage builder, child theme


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    khansen started the conversation

    There seems to be problems with the header and footer when using a child theme with Claue.

    In the homepage builder everything works fine when I select the default Claue-theme. However, when I activate the child them I created for Claue it is no longer possible to modify the header and footer. They both appear, but when I try to modify them through the homepage builder the popup only shows a white area - opposed to the normal fields to select and change the settings.

    Also, when the child theme is selected the dropdowns under Admin » Stores » Configuration » MGS » Theme settings » Fields "Header" and "Footer" are blank and it is not possible to change footer or header

    I tried to copy the folders "claue/Magento_Theme/footers/*" and "claue/Magento_Theme/headers/*" along with footer.phtml and header.phtml to my child theme, but this did not fix the isssues.

    In all thinkable steps and ways I have deployed, cleaned and flushed cache, removed statics and preprocessed manually.

    Alle other aspects of the child theme works as aspected (currently).

    As the site is currently only available on my local computer I can't give you a domain or access to the site.

    I am confident that you can recreate the problems by simply creating a child theme.

    Can you help me with a solution?


    Kasper Brandt Hansen

  • [deleted] replied


    Thanks for your feedback, I don't make sure that what is the problem but if you know about code, please enspect elements in the admin MGS -> Theme Setting and maybe you will see, some images are missing in the pub/media, please make sure that they exist.

  •  3
    khansen replied

    All images are there. It's simply the popup to select og modify the header or footer that is blank. 

    See attached screen dump.

  • [deleted] replied


    I really need to check your site, can you please try to upload it to a dev site and provide your site info for me? I will check it, because in fact I also don't support via teamviewer and also don't support "For Developer" on our document

  •  3
    khansen replied

    Can you please explain what you mean with "support "For Developer" on our document".

    Creating a child theme is explained in the Claue documentation. 

    I don't need  TeamViewer support. I can have in on a dev-site in a few days.

    However, If you simply test with a child theme you can confirm the same. It is 100% reproducable with a clean installation. Selecting header and footer doesn't work. 

  • [deleted] replied


    Please try to copy app\design\frontend\Mgs\claue\Magento_Theme\templates\html\header.phtml and app\design\frontend\Mgs\claue\Magento_Theme\templates\html\footer.phtml to chile theme and also make sure that in the pub\media\mgs\(chiltheme_name)\ folder, exist 3 folder ( headers, footers, homes ) with images

  •  3
    khansen replied


    Copying "pub\media\mgs\claue\" to "pub\media\mgs\(chiltheme_name)\" made the difference.

    Please note, that your documents doesn't mention anything about copying from "app\design\frontend\Mgs\claue\Magento_Theme\templates\html\" to the child theme. I had already done that because I tried different things. Copying from "pub\media\mgs\claue\" isn't mentioned either.

    You should really ad this info to the section about child themes

  • [deleted] replied


    Yes, we will update our document for more clearly