  Public Ticket #1411074


  • Chukwueloka started the conversation


    Please how do I get the categories that I create in the admin to show in the frontend? I am using header style 6 that display the menu as an off-canvas. I have doen everything I could like enabling the category, making it to anchor, etc. But I can't see the categories on the frontend. Please how do I get them to show on the frontend?

    Another thing with regards to MegaMenu; 

    In your documentation, you outlined that the megamenu together with a whole lot of other things like the blog, etc could be enabled by going to Stores->Configuration->Advanced->Advanced; well, I can't find the second Advanced Tab. Please what's going on here? Is that the reason why I can't find the categories that I create in the backend in the frontend?

    Thanks in advanced for your reply. 

  • [deleted] replied


    Please note that on our theme we use Megamenu extension, so if you want to show menu item on the frontend, please go to MGS -> Megamenu -> Manage Megamenu Item then create your menu item, you can assign category to menu item.