  Public Ticket #1501630
Error message for failed transaction.


  • david started the conversation

    With the video link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/e95h7afzp9b5erl/20180313_105122.mp4?dl=0 showing the "!" message returned after a failed transaction, message we wish to edit.


    We're entering the final phase of testing. 

    We use Stripe as payment gateway, we wish to ensure when a customer will run a failed credit card attempt that he'll see the right error message.

    Therefore we run a simple test that consisted to fill in Credit card details that are not valid (in STRIPE live mode, not testing)

    Thru the below video you can see that @ checkout upon trying to make the payment with these outdated credit card details, Stripe didn't approved (logically) the transaction. 

    The current issue is that the message seen at top of the page is an exclamation mark alone. This message will confuse users as they won't understand what happened i.e transaction failed.

    We'd like Gelli theme to display explicit message such as (in French) "Votre transaction n'a pas pu aboutir, vérifiez que votre carte de crédit adhère bien au programme "3D secure" ou contactez [email protected] pour une assistance"

    Could you please advise how we can fix this?



  • [deleted] replied

    Dear David,

    I don't understand this plugin. Please try contact with this plugin support.


  • david replied

    Ok will do

    Thank you
