  Public Ticket #1579314
Error generating content for specific Home content


  • wrappz started the conversation


    When try to apply “Import Home Collection” theme – and it gives error:

    We’re sorry, an error has occurred while generating this content. Exception is found at:

    main.CRITICAL: Unable to get content for ‘frontend/Mgs/unero/en_US/css/check_out.min.css’ {exception] (Magento\\Framework\\View\\Asset\\File\\NotFoundException(code: 0)

    Undefined index: data in …../...../httpdocs/app/code/MGS/Social/Block/Panel/Widget.php on line 333

    How can I resolve this if I wish to use Home Collection theme?

  • [deleted] replied

    Dear wrappz,

    Thanks for your ticket, please provide your site info( url, admin accout, Ftp detail ), i will check for you 

  • wrappz replied

    It is IP locked so please provide your IP - I will put into whitelist.

    Url: http://magento2plain.wrappz.com - it is test site

    admin http://magento2plain.wrappz.com/74mage2/

    FTP: magento2plain / Magento2Plain!!

  • [deleted] replied

    Dear wrappz,

    My IPs:  and

  • wrappz replied

    IPs are added.

    admin login are: arrowhightech / TempLogin1!

  • [deleted] replied

    Dear wrappz,

    Thanks for your response, i have fixed for you, please check

  • wrappz replied


    Can you please let me know what was the issue?

    Plus if I want the homepage exact like http://themes.magesolution.com/unero/m2/ where header & footer are in middle ( not full width ) but rest of the page are.  Along with category page & product page like http://themes.magesolution.com/unero/m2/fashion/men/watch.html AND http://themes.magesolution.com/unero/m2/denim-shell-top-with-ruffle-unero.html ( middle of page - probably 1200px width size ).

    How can I achieve it? or if you can change the admin settings and let me know what you changed. I will keep note of it.

    Thank you for your help.


  • [deleted] replied

    Dear wrappz,

    Thanks for your response, 

    You can use Mgs Builder to set full width for the sections:

    - The files changed:




  • wrappz replied

    Thank you for your reply.

    I have another problem - I have selected "Enable Footer Parallax" - set to NO. But I can see that footer is still parralax.

    It works fine on desktop but on mobile it is creating issues on design. 

    Basically On mobile - firefox/chrome on android and chrome/safari on iphone. 

    Footer comes behind header and shows up.

    Hope you can help me with this.

    Thank You for your support so far.


  • [deleted] replied

    Dear wrappz,

    Thanks for your response, I disabled Footer Parallax for you.

    I see Footer Parallax is working fine on mobile, please check again