  Public Ticket #1800497
main.js:27 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'bind' of undefined


  •   dmconnector started the conversation
  •   dmconnector replied privately
  • [deleted] replied


    Thanks for your ticket,

    I am trying to run some commands on SSH but when I excuse

    php bin/magento module:status

    I can't run this command, so could you please let me know how do I run the commands?

  •  2
    dmconnector replied

    sudo /opt/bitnami/apps/magento/htdocs/bin/magento-cli module:status

  • [deleted] replied


    Thanks for your feedback and your patience,

    I have checked, the option is still showing on the desktop, mobile and tablet, also tried to find what the problem with console error but still not lucky, I also changed to the Luma theme and check, the same js error