  Public Ticket #1824604
catalog menu and primary colors


  • nbamvp started the conversation

    Hello, I have just installed Hebes Theme on magento 2.3. So far so good but there are a few issues I am bumping in to. 

    - I could not upload a logo but this related to the following error I beleive. https://github.com/magento/magento2/issues/18688#event-1962433584

    - I cannot find where to change the primary color. There is a lilac sort of colour all over the theme that I would like to change. (see attached or your demo theme)

    - I also would like to recreate the "catalog" menu on the right with icons (see attached also). Are there instructions on how this was done? 

    Thank you very much for your help. Loving the theme thus far and will look forward to your response.

  • [deleted] replied


    - To change the primary color, please go to MGS -> Theme Color -> General -> Theme Color


    - To edit  the "catalog", please follow the instruction: 
