  Public Ticket #2068508
How to change color swatch


  •  1
    astropringles started the conversation

    Is there any way to change hex of color swatch or maybe texture pic? This is for the type of color variant

  •  231
    Shopify Team replied

    Hi Astropringles,

    Yes we can change the color swatch to use the texture pic. I guess that your requirement is same on this demo


    To make it, please follow these steps:
    For each options, please upload to 'Asset' folder an image as .png. The name of the image is the option name in snake case. eg: Dark Red -> dark-red.png, Caro -> caro.png
    The size of image should be square 50x50px.
    To upload image to asset folder, you can follow this guide from Shopify: 


    Note that the image will be the same on the same option name. It means if we have 2 product with the same option eg Dark Red, it will show the same image on both products.

    Be Steven

    Best regards

  •  1
    astropringles replied
