  Public Ticket #2412869
Search to work on a separate page


  • Aleksandar Ginovski started the conversation

    Hi there,

    Is there a way I can make the search to be on a separate page when submitting the form rather than AJAX call?

  •  608
    WordPress replied


    We do not have a separate search option for each page and only the ajax search option.

  • Aleksandar Ginovski replied


    And can you recommend me a way I can make the search to work when pressing enter and visualize the results on a separate page? The way it works at the moment is super user unfriendly, because you type something and press enter and the search hides instead of showing a page with results.

  •  608
    WordPress replied


    Sorry. Currently this option we have not developed

  • Aleksandar Ginovski replied


    I know you don't have it but I'm a developer. I can do it myself, if you can just give me directions where to touch. Or if you know a plugin that can help me.

  •  608
    WordPress replied


    You can check in file themes\arangi\assets\js\un-minify with function arangiAutocompleteSearch
