  Public Ticket #2452058
Product detail image zoom [magnifier]


  •  4
    Urbanluxcz started the conversation


    is Supro theme suppose to work with core feature magnifier in module Magento_Catalog ? I have enabled magnifier in app/design/frontend/Mgs/supro/etc/view.xml for testing purposes (<var name="enabled">true</var> in code line 227) but after cache clean there is no image in product detail page at all (with enabled equals to false, product image is visible). Also no exception or error is being displayed.

    Thanks in advance.

  • [deleted] replied


    Now our theme customized the gallery of detail page and use theme's feature, so maybe your setting in view.xml file will not work

  •  4
    Urbanluxcz replied

    Thank you for reply, but I didn't get it. You are saing that zoom feature is enabled in Supro by the default? Or is there something that needs to be done to make it work?

  • [deleted] replied


    Yes you mean you want to have the zoom feature like this?


  •  4
    Urbanluxcz replied

    I've figured it out - it was cache related issue. Consider this ticked as closed.
    Thank you anyway.