  Public Ticket #2461601
Woocomerce update problem


  •  1
    PRUDENT started the conversation

    Hello I am having a problem there are obsolete files in the theme to make woocomerce work can you help me please. it asks to update the theme here is the message I received in WordPress


    Your theme (Gelli) contains obsolete copies of some WooCommerce template files. These files may need to be updated to ensure compatibility with the current version of WooCommerce. Suggestions to solve this problem:


    Update your theme to the latest version. If no update is available, contact the author of the theme to inquire about its compatibility with the current version of WooCommerce.

    If you copied a template file for editing, you will need to copy the new version of the template and reapply your changes.

    Can you help me please

  • [deleted] replied


    Please give me ftp info. I will update for your site.


  •  1
    PRUDENT replied

    hello thank you the update has been made

    everything works 
