  Public Ticket #2532836
Problemas no carregamento


  • LincolnMorale10 started the conversation

    Good afternoon! My name is Lincoln, I'm Brazilian and I acquired your "Modus" theme for the WordPress platform. I’ve been constantly optimizing by compressing all images, optimizing them, installing cache plugins, minifying HTML, CSS, JS codes, placing CDN Cloudflare, excluding all pages, posts, plugins and themes that I didn’t use and yet site continues with 10 seconds of loading of the homepage. I'm really disappointed with the theme because I'm not sure how to optimize it and my score is 2 in the mobile version of Google's PageSpeed, not even reaching 25 on the PageSpeed Desktop. I hope you can guide me so that I get better results with the Modus theme

  •  608
    WordPress replied

    Good Morning Mr Lincoln,

    I am very happy that you provided a detail problem that you are facing.

    First, I checked your website and I found that the CDN cloudflare make the website slowly.


    Could you please don't use the CDN cloudflare and check again? If the performance is the better, please don't use CDN cloudflare. 

  • LincolnMorale10 replied

    Good night and sorry for my bad English. I followed the advice to temporarily pause Cloudflare. To see if they solve my problem, I sent them an email.

    Deactivating CDN, I got a better grade on PageSpeed, but on GTMetrix my grade fell on "PageSpeed" and "YSlow" ... What else could be causing this slowness? The images were all optimized, two cache plugins installed, HTML, CSS and JS compressed and minified, updated PHP version ... I don't know what else to do, because the loading time has increased.

    PageSpeed grades vary a lot with each update. The mobile that was of note 7 fell to note 2 and I did not modify anything at all.

    Here are some topics that I would like you to help me with by telling me how to solve each one:


    Não entendo muito de programação, por isso algumas análises realizadas pelo Google PageSpeed ou pelo GTMetrix não entendo. Como posso resolver o problema acima dentro do WordPress ou dentro da minha hospedagem?

    Topic 2:

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    I apologize for the huge amount of images and texts I have posted, but as I said I am a layman on the subject and would like another excellent support. I contacted my hosting support and it is difficult to resolve some aspects mainly to resolve the factors related to the "Modus" theme. I am desperate because as I said, I have already performed several optimizations but even so the site continues to load at a very low speed. I would like your help so that I can solve these problems and not need to change the topic, I really like the "Modus" theme

    I attached the photos of the problems inside the body of the email, but if you are not able to view, I will be attaching a powerpoint with all the images: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eEdCzqdZCP9zIcbMtRx13jIuV549NE6o/view?usp=sharing