  Public Ticket #2655418
Missing String in POT file


  • Dirk started the conversation


    we are working on the translation of the Lusion theme. Unfortunately we have found one more string that is not included in your lusion.pot. 

    "House number and street name *" 

    This string only is hardcoded available in the:

    /inc/functions/woocommerce.php line: 1142

    function lusion_custom_override_default_address_field($address_field)
        $array_placeholder = 'House number and street name *';
        $address_field['address_1']['placeholder'] = $array_placeholder;     return $address_field;

    So a translation is not possible. 

    Can you fix this?



  • Dirk replied

    By the way. We have updated the pot file:

    #: inc/functions/woocommerce.php:1144
    msgid "House number and street name *"
    msgstr ""

    and we prepared a translation. But this didn't fix the translation issue.

  •  608
    WordPress replied


    You can download then unzip and update file pot. We updated that problem.


  • Dirk replied


    With your last Update this seems to be fixed now. 

    Unfortunately, the updated has overwritten all translations I already did. :-( 

    It seems as if your child-theme doesn't make use of po / mo files. So I always need to fix the stuff in the Lusion - Theme. Is there any chance that your child - theme makes use of the language files? And how?



  •  608
    WordPress replied


    It will accept the translate file in the parent theme.

    Your child's theme should only translate text with custom theme.

  • Dirk replied

    Hello Alex,

    unfortunately, your answer did not help. 

    We make use of your child-theme, delivered with your Lusion Theme! And that child theme is not supporting language files. But, putting the translations into the parent Theme folder is not a good idea. As the translations will be overwritten by your updates! I have fixed this by putting the following into your child theme:

     * Loads the child theme textdomain.
    function wpdocs_child_theme_setup() {
        load_child_theme_textdomain( 'lusion', get_stylesheet_directory() . '/languages' );
    add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'wpdocs_child_theme_setup' );

    Now the child theme can handle language files! Maybe this can help you to improve your theme in one of the next versions?



  •  608
    WordPress replied


    We will check and later when we update the new version we will only update the patch. Then you need to update you just need to update the path.

  • Dirk replied

    I'm facing an issue with your template but cannot open a new ticket. So I need to reuse this one.


    we have an issue with the "My account -> Downloads" button. As fare as we have learned we can leave the entry "woocommerce->settings->account endpoints->downloads" field empty to remove the "Downloads" button on the "My account" page. But with lusion this is not the case. The button is still disclosed after we have emptied and saved the field. After that change the Button points to nowhere (/my-account/downloads). Which leads to a 404 error.

    Can you please fix this issue?



  •  608
    WordPress replied


    Can you provide an account admin and link website so I can check that problem for you?