  Public Ticket #2664213
Special products block - title width 50%?


  •  4
    graffito started the conversation


    when i choose "special products block" in builder the width of the title is defined with "col-lg-6" - which is not useful when used already in columns, like in screenshot.

    I want it 100% width, so i need col-lg-12 in code. Where can i define that? It makes no sense that the image is full width and the content below is just half of it.

    Second thing:
    The button looks weird here - why is that?

    BR Andreas

  • [deleted] replied

    Dear graffito, 

    Thanks for your new ticket and sorry for this late response. 

    I have just created a task to our dev team and they will check it for you soon. 

    Please wait for the news from me.

    Thank you so much and I hope you have a nice day! 

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi  graffito, 

    Thanks for your patience. 

    We think you should add custom style to it instead of making changes in the source code.

    • Go to admin MGS - > Theme Setting -> * Custom style* ->* Add Custom Style* and add the custom style code below: .single-product .product-item-info .product-top + .product-top-detail { -webkit-box-flex: 0; -ms-flex: 0 0 100%; flex: 0 0 100%; max-width: 100%; }

             After saving, please remember to clear cache.

    • if you still want to edit the source code, please edit it in the file: app\design\frontend\Mgs\amely\MGS_Mpanel\templates\products\single\default.phtml

    Hope it help you.

    Thanks so much and have a nice day!