  Public Ticket #2698724
Adding alt text in Owl Carousel Slider images causes error


  • moonwerks started the conversation

    In Content > Pages > Select homepage, I can see the HTML of Owl carousel slider generated by the frontend builder: https://prnt.sc/103mitc

    As you can see in the screenshot, I add an alt text "homepage banner 1" in the first image of the slider, but upon saving, I got this error in the homepage: https://prnt.sc/103mkyt

    We were able to restore the homepage by logging in the frontend builder account and saving the "built" homepage when Active Builder is enabled.

    Could you check why we're getting an error?

  •   moonwerks replied privately
  • [deleted] replied

    Dear moonwerks,

    Thank you for your ticket

    Please note, we dont recommend our client to edit anything into code even though it's just add alt text. I'm sorry but we dont support anything about adding alt tag

    Have a good day

  • moonwerks replied

    Noted, thanks for the reply.

  • [deleted] replied

    Dear moonwerks,

    Thank you

    Now, I will close this ticket