  Public Ticket #2720960
How to show color swatches under product on shop/collection page


  • Meansthemes started the conversation

    Hello, Theme support,

    I want to show color swatch under the product on the shop or collection page.

    This is one of the main reason for me buying this theme, I saw it on the theme demo site that it is possible. I managed to create color swatch & upload it into the asset folder, which is appearing fine on the product page, but I want to show the same swatches on the shop/collection page.

    in this product, I uploaded the color swatches.

    I want to show these color swatches under the product(without hovering) on this page:

    I attached the image from another website, that is how I wanted it.

    Thank you in advance, I believe you already have my credentials for you to login and check if required, or else just guide me through it. I'll do it by my self.
    Thanks & Regards

  •  231
    Shopify Team replied

    Hi Meansthemes,

    I wonder that you want to show color or variant image in the color swatch. Because some options don't have color, they display a blank box.

    Because the swatch will get a png image (recommend 150x150) with a handle name like your variant in folder Assets of the theme. 

    Ex: Double-Face Light Monochrome -> double-face-light-monochrome.png

    Black Textile with Light Monochrome -> black-textile-with-light-monochrome.png

    Double-Face Gold -> double-face-gold.png



    Best regards,

    Shopify Team

  • Meansthemes replied

    Thank you for your reply,
    I want to show the color swatch, I'll add swatches to it, that is not a problem.

    But this color swatch I wasn't to show on the shop/collection page: https://www.kumasha.me/collections/all

    I only added 2 color swatches but will add all of them soon.
    Please tell me how to show it on the collection page under the product image or under the product box.

    Because Product image swatches are visible if I hover the product, but what about color swatches? I want to show it without hovering on the product.

    Thank you in advance

  •  231
    Shopify Team replied

    Hi Meansthemes,

    Oh, I've fixed it visible(without hovering) for you in the last reply.

    Do you want to move it under the product image? 

    Hope to hear you soon.

    Best regards,

    Shopify Team