  Public Ticket #2723780
Doesn’t look the same on phone


  • Almma started the conversation

    hi! I uploded pics on the GPS Parallax Banner and it shows the entire image on the computer and on the computer mobile view but when I look at the site from my phone the picture is really zoomed in and looks really bad. What can I do to fix this? I also took screenshots but I can’t add them here:/ 

    Please let me know! 

  •  231
    Shopify Team replied

    Hi Almma,

    Thanks for purchasing our theme.

    Can you invite us to be your staff via email: [email protected], please?

    We'll fix it for you as soon as possible.

    Best regards,

    Shopify Team

  •  1
    WendyShawnDesigns replied

    I am having a very similar issue. I have updated and reset the padding and still can't get this to look right.

  •  231
    Shopify Team replied

    Hi Wendy, 

    Can you tell us where the issue is, please?

    We can't check it because we don't know where is it.

    Best regards,

    Shopify Team

  •  1
    WendyShawnDesigns replied

    This is on the front page, I added two GPS Collection & Banner widgets because I wanted three collections per row and was unable to achieve that with just one.

  •  231
    Shopify Team replied

    Hi Wendy, 

    Please we'll make a conversation in ticket #2730476

    Best regards,

    Shopify Team