  Public Ticket #2728228
css file is missing even i uploaded the correct zip file still the error existed


  • haris started the conversation

    style.css file is missing even i uploaded the correct zip file still the error existed on wordpress please help me fix this issue as soon as possible

  •  231
    Shopify Team replied

    Hi Haris,

    There seems to be confusion here. 

    Are you using WordPress and buying the wrong version for Shopify?

    If yes, please buy the WordPress version here: https://themeforest.net/item/lusion-multipurpose-ecommerce-wordpress-theme/27657550 and you can submit a refund request for the Shopify version, we will refund you.

    Best regards,

    Shopify Team

  • haris replied

    Hello ArrowHiTech, Is it possible i can pay you $10 and you give me $29 theme as you already have $19 balance. Please let me know.

  •  231
    Shopify Team replied

    Hi Haris, 

    Please buy the WordPress version. After that, please provide us purchase code of the WordPress version and request a refund Lusion Shopify Theme. We will refund the Shopify version to you.

    Looking to hear you soon,

    Shopify Team

  • haris replied

    Hi Shopify Team,

    As you suggested “you can submit a refund request for Shopify version, we will refund you.”

    We already bought another theme having purchase, could you please let us know how we can submit a refund request for Shopify version?

    Thanks & regards,

    Haris Saleem

  •  231
    Shopify Team replied

    Hi Haris, 

    Can you provide us purchase code of Lusion WordPress, please?

    After this, you can read more about the refund request on Themeforest.

    Best regards,

    Shopify Team

  • haris replied

    Purchase code: 43a2654c-29b8-49cc-96d2-fcb732e5a489

  •  231
    Shopify Team replied

    Hi Haris, 

    Thanks for purchasing our theme.

    Please create a refund request on Themeforest and we'll refund for you.

    Best regards,

    Shopify Team

  • haris replied

    Hi! I received your email regarding my refund for lusion theam 29$ but it's not that i wanted. I want to refund 19$ for Lusion theam that I purchased 1st time. That was rong version or not working properly so you suggest purchase another 29$ theam and we will refund your 19$. Here's purchase code Purchase code: 4c8e1db6-ed32-456a-b94f-fa854fe8b6f1

  •  231
    Shopify Team replied

    Hi Haris, 

    Sorry for this problem.

    Because team Shopify is different from team WordPress and you made a request refund for Lusion WordPress so they are made a mistake.

    Could you buy Lusion WordPress again, please? We'll refund Lusion Shopify for you.


    Shopify Team