  Public Ticket #2740906
404 Error when hitting Back from a product


  • embrosin started the conversation


    When I am on a product page on my website, when I hit the Back button, it goes to a 404 error page rather than the previous page. This is frustrating for customers because it forces them to have to go back to the home page and go into the shop collections all over again. 

    Please let me know how this can be fixed. Thank you!

  •  231
    Shopify Team replied

    Hi embrosin, 

    Can you guide us by some screenshots or a video about it, please? We can't found this bug.

    Best regards,

    Shopify Team

  • embrosin replied


    I've attached a screen recording showing the bug. From what I've seen, it only happens when I hit back from a product page. It happens on both desktop and mobile.

  •  231
    Shopify Team replied

    Hi embrosin, 

    We found out the issue. We've fixed this bug in patch 1.0.8. 

    We'll update it for you.

    Best regards,

    Shopify Team