  Public Ticket #2767478
Custom CSS


  • Toneee started the conversation

    It appears this Shopify theme only really uses gps-homepage.scss.liquid and gps-styleguide.scss.liquid.

    Can you demonstrate where and how to insert basic CSS? We are considering custom buttons and things, but can't figure out the best place to insert new CSS code.


  •  231
    Shopify Team replied

    Hi Toneee, 

    We think you should create a new file SCSS or CSS to add a custom style.

    1. From Admin - Online Store - Themes - Actions - Edit code


    2. Open folder Assets and create a new file(recommended .css or .css.liquid)


    Write your style here.

    3. Open file Layout/theme.liquid and add your link.


    You can see the structure of our link. Write like that and paste at the end of the red area.

    <link href="{{ 'Name-of-style.css' | asset_url }}" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet">

    Note: If you don't want to create a new file, you can add it at the end of file Assets/gps-styleguide.liquid.

    Best regards,

    Shopify Team

  • Toneee replied

    Thank you. Will theme updates overwrite either of the methods you described?

  •  231
    Shopify Team replied

    Hi Toneee, 

    If you create a new style and update our patch in the future, it won't override any of your styles in a new file.

    Best regards,

    Shopify Team