  Public Ticket #2897983
Blocks Code & Page Builder


  • ajayarjitsingh started the conversation

    1 Where can I find the code for all blocks when not using Page Builder?

    2 If we are not using Page Builder, how can we still add the available modules like Products List, Categories, etc to the page?

    3 Is it possible to use the theme & its demo's html when not using the Page Builder? Or is Page Builder the only option?


  • wefocus replied


  • [deleted] replied

    Dear ajayarjitsingh 

    Thank you for your ticket 

    To edit content without using Fbuilder, of course we have other suggestions for you 

    1 - Edit in Admin -> content -> block

    2 - Edit directly in file, please refer this article 


    Please be careful as we cannot support if you intervene in code 


    Have a nice day