  Public Ticket #2928474
Header customisation for Lusion 2.0 eCommerce Theme


  • Lewis started the conversation

    Hi there,

    I've recently purchased and installed the Lusion 2.0 shopify theme and can't seem to figure out how to change the background colour of the header / nav menu.

    I also would like to have the header nav menu fixed on scroll, like the design in this link; https://xd.adobe.com/view/02229a49-131a-4f2f-95ca-84fb9de12180-5771/?fullscreen&hints=off

    I'm also hoping to install a custom font to be used throughout this site. Is this possible?

    Hoping on any help to figure this out!

    Thanks, Lewis

  •  231
    Shopify Team replied

    Hi Lewis, 

    Thanks for purchasing our theme.

    You can change the color of the header in Theme settings - Header

    You need to find the part of the header that you want to change because we have 3 parts of the header: top header, middle header, and bottom header. 

    About the nav menu, you can change color in Section - Megamenu

    Of course, you can use the custom font and the menu fixed on scroll. But you need to pay our team an extra to customize it for you. If you agree with that, we'll customize it for you.