  Public Ticket #2998121
Instagram layout for v2.0


  • uncircled started the conversation


    i just purchased your Shopify Lusion theme and discovered that not all home page layouts are available for Shopify v2.0, namely Instagram.  When will the remaining layouts be available?

  •  231
    Shopify Team replied

    Hi uncircled, 

    Thanks for purchasing our theme.

    Actually, you can add a section Instagram Shop to embed a script from Snapppt to set up Home Instagram.


    Hope this helps you.

  • uncircled replied

    Thank for the quick response but it confused me a bit more.   I'm following this documentation to setup the them in my store  ( Documentation - Lusion - Multipurpose eCommerce Shopify Theme (magesolution.com)

    And under 'Demo Settings JSON/Lusion 2.0"  folder i don't see instagram layout.   The above screenshot doesn't match anything i see.

  •  231
    Shopify Team replied

    Hi uncircled, 

    Because home Instagram is not unavailable in Lusion 2.0. But the demo home Instagram just has only a section Instagram shop, you can see in my last reply.

    I'll give the embed script below to show our Instagram. 

    <script src="https://snapppt.com/widgets/widget_loader/56a5f36b-5e07-4340-a5d2-d5b726d2430f/mosaic.js" defer="" class="snapppt-widget"></script>

    Hope this helps you.