  Public Ticket #3007648
Demo import, and use of it


  • nelson started the conversation

    Good morning,

    I bought the theme to work on this website, to update the theme, but so far it doesnt work when i try to import, i have version 5.9.2 of wordpress,


  •  605
    WordPress replied

    Hello nelson,

    Thanks for your purchase.

    Can you provide an account admin so I can check that problem for you?

  • nelson replied

    Yes, donguillermocigar.com/wp-admin

    admin: [email protected]

    pw: nelson123MORRISON!@#

  •  605
    WordPress replied


    I have tried to import but it can't import. I think that server. You can check

    Recommended PHP Configuration Limits

    Low PHP configuration limits can cause many issues. When related issues occur, you need to increase your PHP limits to a minimum as follows:

    • max_execution_time 180
    • memory_limit 128M
    • post_max_size 32M
    • upload_max_filesize 32M