  Public Ticket #3060415
Issue with integration and role admin page


  •  1
    gemini99 started the conversation

    We have the latest theme installed 2.1.4, and version of Magento 2.4.4. We couldnt reach new integration page and new role page in admin settings, it was throwing the following error ([2022-06-07T11:54:30.603031+00:00] main.CRITICAL: Exception: Title not set for resource MGS_Mpanel::mpanel in /home/ljushems/public_html/staging9/vendor/magento/module-integration/Helper/Data.php:24). 

    We solved this by giving a title to the mpanel resource in 10 different acl files (e.g app/code/MGS/Portfolio/etc/acl.xml) and so on. It fixed everything for now and pages load fine but next time we will update this theme the problem will reappear if not adressed.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi gemini99,

    Thanks for your report. Can you send me your file edited? It will help us improve next patch update.

