  Public Ticket #3062703
supro in M2.4


  • Fabio started the conversation

    I'm installing the Supro theme on a new Magento installation 2.4.4 on PHP 8.1.2

    I've copied the 2.4.2+ patch with the Smile module but there is a compilation problem with the class:
    because in PHP 8.1 "match" is a reserved keyword and thus a syntax error is raised.

    Furthermore there also is a problem in several class constructors.
    ...and many others.

    The offending call is in the constructor and it is quite the same in all the files, listing one optional parameter before a mandatory parameter. By example:

         public function __construct(TemplateContext $context, array $data = [], MagentoFrameworkObjectManagerInterface $objectManager)

    This behaviour is deprecated in PHP 8.1 and so the compilation stops.

    Can you help me solve the issues?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Fabio,

    Supro theme have not updated for 6 month ago. I think this is reason why supro theme not work well on magento 2.4.4 and PHP 8. I'm sorry if you feel inconvenient.



  • Fabio replied

    Hi Hyun,

    incompatibility with the old theme (see my first post) convinced me to start with a new install and new theme (use only the Supro theme).

    When I bought Supro in Themeforest I saw the compatibility with Magento 2.4.x (see attach) 

    Do you think upgrade the Theme ?



    Attached files:  themeforest.jpg

  •  8
    moppelfett replied

    This is also very important for us. We just started using Supro after many fixes and are just realising that it is not compatible with PHP 8. This is horrific after all the time and nervs we spend to get this theme up and running suitable according to German law! Please release an update otherwise all customers of this theme can't use because you alraedy know that PHP 7 is EOL in November this year. Thanks in advance for your afford.

  • [deleted] replied


    Supro don't have patch for 2.4.4 yet and it don't work well in php8. Please use magento 2.4.3 and php7.4



  •  8
    moppelfett replied

    Hi Hyun,

    Thank you for your reply.
    You will surely know that PHP 7.4 is only supported until November 28, 2022. Does this mean that your Supro customers will be left out in the cold?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi moppelfett,

    We've recived this information and have some meeting with our team to provide a solution to this problem.

