
Public Tickets

elnurws currency problemClosed   eFarm - A Multipurpose Food & Farm WordPress Theme   Updated November 1, 2017 at 4:27am   8 Most recent comment from WordPress Team:Hi, If you are satisfied with our help, can you rate our item 5 stars in ThemeForest?  https://themeforest.net/item/efarm-a-multipurpose-food-wordpress-theme/reviews/20109992 Thank you yasir Visual Composer activation failedClosed   eFarm - A Multipurpose Food & Farm WordPress Theme   Updated November 1, 2017 at 4:24am   4 Most recent comment from WordPress Team:Hello,If you want to access the plugin support, template library, I suppose it will require purchasing  the separate license. The extended license can't provide that. Thank you,