
Supro - Magento Theme

Social sharing post function doesnt works I have a problem on the blog, when I go to share on Facebook it does not publish the image on the social network Answer: We understand what you mean but this is not theme bug, it depends on Share feature, this is a feature ...

The error is shown after upgrading theme This error: Actually, this is not theme bug.  It seems related to the server, maybe you will need to contact the hosting provider to increase innodb_buffer_pool_size. 

How to disable block? So how can we disable certain blocks from displaying in the mobile view? Answer:When you create a block by builder, you can add custom class to Custom Class field on builder, so if you want to hide it on mobile, let add this ...

Product Details Page If you want set up your product details page like the demo:Firstly, you can create Brand and Swatch Color attribute in admin and you also need to edit your brand and color:After you create the Test Product, you need to follo ...

We are sorry, an error has occured while generating this content If you are encountering the error beyond, seem like you were editing content directly in Admin -> Content -> BlockInfact, of course you can do that way but we never recommend it Please refer these articles https://arrowhite ...

We are sorry, an error has occured while generating this content If you are encountering the error beyond, seem like you were editing content directly in Admin -> Content -> BlockInfact, of course you can do that way but we never recommend it Please refer these articles https://arrowhite ...

How to show social links block If you want to enable this feature in my site:You need to enable Share This and setting it: Admin -> MGS -> MGS Theme Setting -> Share This

Semi-transparent layer behind the text and buton In case that you want a semi-transparent layer behind the text and button on the homepage banner, like the example below:Normally, you will use theme like it's design and we cannot any changes in it. In this case, I regre ...

Heading lines for each section on homepage The headings on your pre-built blocks have black lines on either side of them. We are trying to achieve the same effect on the heading "we sell" that we have created manually.Answer: To achieve the same effect, you need u ...

How to Configure Color Swatches If you want  let this color selection show here under listed in magento 2: Please refer this document: https://www.mageplaza.com/kb/how-to-configure-swatches-in-magento-2.html It will help you resolve this issue as you ...

how to translate some text into multiple language? Our theme can work on multiple language and normally you have 3 ways to translate things in magento site (Note that: We dont guarantee themes to be compatible with mageplaza pakage) 1.  Translate inline (magento default fu ...

The Instagram images disappeared from the home page suddenly Please note that If you post a new image on instagram feed, the block on the site doesen't update correctly. It will show a blank image until you refresh data images manually in admin to update it on frontend

How to create custom link for each cate Here we have attached a video for you:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NChomVdQL2v6lVkX2pVuHQWuudhO44ar/view?usp=sharing In static content, you can add ul li (in html structure to build content) This is just an example: ...

Edit footer Via F-builder you are just able to choose footer versionIf you want to edit it in details, you need to do it yourself in admin -> content -> blockPlease very be careful because if there is anything happens, we cannot support ...

How to solve this {{system messages }} issue Problem: Solution: This problem is related to translation. You can try the solution below it will help you solve this issue:  https://magento.stackexchange.com/questions/248139/magento-2-how-to-solve-this-system-messages- ...

How does your purchase code work? You should register the purchase code for your main domain firstly, then you can use as many sub-domain as you want. Please refer this article https://arrowhitech.ticksy.com/article/15429/edit/ Please note: Main domain shou ...

In grouped product, there is no minus and plus icon I have a issue with grouped product Page, in qty there is text box only , i Need + and - Incremental button same like in configurable product page.Answer: We understand what you mean but the theme doesn't have this feature ...

How to disable some specified block on mobile (make it disappeared)? When you create a block by builder, you can add custom class to Custom Class field on builder, so if you want to hide it on mobile, let add this class: hidden-xs

Discount Program We offer a discount for returning customers .Therefore, pick one of the offers listed below and follow the instructions to get the discount applied. Please refer this link: https://arrowtheme.com/discount-program/

How to create a configurable product Please refer this link to create a configurable product as your expectation: https://docs.magento.com/user-guide/catalog/product-create-configurable.html

How to add the Promo Banner extension Please use the F-builder to create the  PromoBanner

Fix can't enable Front-end Builder in admin ( Migrate from M1 to M2 ) + Disable MGS_Fbuilder module by going to your server, access to app/etc/ and edit file config.php then change 1 -> 0 with MGS_Fbuilder module     + Go to database edit setup_module table then find a record with MGS_Fbuil ...

How to make images not to be so blur Issue: Images are ok when going into product, but in this boxes in homepage or category page they are some kind of bad qualitySolution: You can customize the image size in the admin to make the image display better, if the u ...

how to modify the content of the Size Guide, is it possible to remove it? You can't modify the content, you are just able to change to whole image in /pub/media/wysiwyg/sizecharts.png Then clear all the cache and check again

Theme display issues when enabling Smile_Elasticsuite Errror: When enabling Smile_Elasticsuite, the theme's appearance and functionality has changed.Solution: This issue doesn't related to Smile_ElasticSearch, please try to connect to SSH, navigate to magento root then deplo ...

Error with brand in supro Magento 2.4.1 Issue:  Version 2.4.1 with patches -> Brand Error: Call to undefined method MagentoCatalogModelResourceModelProductCollectionInterceptor::addSortFilterParameters() in /var/www/vhosts/meine-webseite/neu2/app/code/Smile/Elas ...

Issue with the "items number" and "add to cart button" Problem: The "items number" and "add to cart button" are very near each other and the "items Number " is too wide compared to what it is in initial theme: Solution: If you encounter this error, please go to admin -> MGS - ...

You cannot deselect text-swatches We have disabled the 'shopping by' function in our MGS Theme configuration, however we are now having issues with text swatches in the layered navigation. Once a swatch has been selected, it then cannot be unselected. This is ...

Change some default text of theme You want to change some default text that cannot be changed by F-builder or admin -> content -> blocks I have a suggestion for you to use template path hint extension to find exactly the place to edit thathttps://docs.magent ...

Extended support but I cannot reply to tickets Sorry for the inconvenience but it's an annoying point of ticksy platform. Indeed you extended support and now you are able to create a new ticket but for the old ones, they still record you as "support expired". So please cr ...

How to enable mobile theme - Supro 1) Please go to admin CONTENT -> Configuration, edit a store view then set like this1) Go to MGS -> Theme Settings -> Mobile Theme, here you can choose what cms page will be homepage when you view on the mobile     - If yo ...

How can remove the menu slider on the left and put it horizontal between the logo and the search bar If you want to remove the menu slider on the left and put it horizontal between the logo and the search bar like the demo, you need to config:Please go to Admin --> MGS->Theme Settings v1.1.6 -> Header

How to Create New Admin User in Magento 2 If your admin site is not working, you can create new admin via command lineYou can refer this article to get more ( via admin panel and command line): https://magefan.com/blog/create-new-admin-user-in-magento-2

How to change Product Page image sizes to match customer's product image Issue: All our images for products are showing as squares and we need them to not have the white border on the left and the right.Solution: This is the place where you can set the image size: However, we see that you ar ...

How to change the icon colors of the mobile bottom menu To change icon colors mobile bottom menu  (such as: cart icon, user account icon,...): There are two ways to do that: 1. the first is to edit from the theme's css file and re-deploy the content2. the second is to use cust ...

"How to uninstall theme" details explaination We have recorded that there have been some clients who were not experts at magento struggled when trying to uninstall theme following this article https://arrowhitech.ticksy.com/article/15889/Normally we are not allowed to h ...

How to set up Landing cate page? How does it work? I'm giving you an example to have a better understanding 1. You need choose a category and set it Is Landing2. Create sub categories and upload category thumbnail image of subcategoryand set thumbnail3. Result: When you go t ...

Your configuration isn't applied onto front-end? Please check your server in advance, perhaps it's because of server cache or something Then please check again whether the configuration is applied for a specific store view?

How to add rating feature into your product detail page? Please refer this article to do sohttps://docs.magento.com/user-guide/stores/attributes-rating.html

Setting different languages for the back-end and storefront Error: If you not able to switch the frontend to German although the settings in admin are correct. Or you need to set the part that is visible to the customers in one language (German) and the backend (Dashboard) in anothe ...

Product shows "only 0 left" Question:In our product page when we click the size options it shows "Only 0 Left" but we have stock for that particular sizes.Answer:we have researched and found that this is a problem of magento 2.4.2 https://magento.stack ...

No get Promo Banner available In supro theme, now the Promo Banner is integrated into Fbuilder and it is not split into separate modules anymore.  So you will cannot add the Promo Banner available as the F- builder.

Not able to update Banners Problem: when you add any slider then that is not getting displayed Solution: You can add an image slider and it will reflect on the frontend. You need only edit the config, please refer: 

How to use testimonial in Supro If you use testimonial in Supro theme, please refer this document for your question: https://www.magesolution.com/themes/claue/docs/m2/index.html#config-testimonial It will help you solve this issue. 

Active theme and use subdomain After install theme, please log in admin panel through your admin account, the go to Backend > STORES > [Settings] Configuration > [MAGESOLUTION] Activate Theme and insert the “Purchase Code”. Click here to know how to ...

Megameu spreads out and looks weird The website header is currently appear not centred. Please see screenshot attached for example I will explain a little bit, because you've added to many categories into your megamenu, now, you menu looks a little awkward, al ...

Be unable to product into the New Arrival and Most popular tab With the New Product tab, you need to set the value of "Set Product as New From" and select the correct category to display in the tab, as you can see:The Most Popular tab displays the products on sale. You can set sale pric ...

Check out missing header/footer This is not a theme bug, we want it like that, you can check our demo site here: https://themes.magesolution.com/supro/en

Configure image size In case:  Images are being requested on 300x300 while on the configuration you set 1200x1200 which is the full image size for your images. Solution: When Images size configuration on theme settings doesn't work, you shoul ...

How to show the products of product tab block This is not only category products, please note this one https://prnt.sc/tt3ba3 - New Product: your products have to new product, refer this article https://zemez.io/magento/support/how-to/magento-2-1-x-how-to-set-product- ...

How to setup multiple currency If you want to show multiple currency ( $$$, €,...), you can refer this document: https://magento.stackexchange.com/questions/101020/magento-2-how-to-set-multiple-currencies-in-one-storefrontIt will help you set up the c ...

Supro, Molla - How to use multiple store views - You built a good homepage buy CMS Page Builer- You want to make a new homepage for another store view please follow the following steps    + Create a new cms page (new homepage) for new store view    + Go STORES -> Conf ...

How to move Magento from one server to another If you need to move the Magento eCommerce shop from one host server domain to new host server domain or from one directory location to another directory location, you can refer this article to know how to do it. Because norm ...

The navigation menu is not visible on any page If the navigation menu is not visible on any page, you need to create the menu item in:  Admin -> MGS -> Magemenu Items. And check it again. 

Cannot add new font-awesome icon onto footer/header or front-end Question: I have changed one of the social icons in the footer to Snapchat. It seems to be there but the grey colouring has disappeared. We need it to display in the same colour as the other icons?Answer:  Our theme old the ...

How to use external image path for home page banners and sliders. You can insert images which are from the internet by HTML code, please try referring our document here:  https://www.magesolution.com/themes/claue/docs/m2/index.html#create-block-text-image If it's useless, so you need t ...

How to change the page title For Example: you want to change the cart page title " Shopping cart" to a other titleIf you want to change this problem, you can use this feature to edit it for your language:  https://docs.magento.com/user-guide/system/tr ...

How to create an offline order If you want create an offline order, please follow below steps: Please go to admin STORES -> Configuration -> Payment Method [ SALES ] and then make sure you enabled some payment methods. It's will work properly.

How to recover the default menu ID = 1? You can't create a new menu? Maybe it's because you deleted the default one whose ID is 1Step 1: go to your database -> Choose table mgs_megamenu_parent Step 2: change parent_id of your menu which you want to display to 1 � ...

How to create custom link for each cate Here we have attached a video for you:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NChomVdQL2v6lVkX2pVuHQWuudhO44ar/view?usp=sharing In static content, you can add ul li (in html structure to build content) This is just an example: ...

Error: "No alive nodes found in your cluster. " First, please make sure you enabled elasticsmile modules by reading this file "readme.txt" https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FQDL6_ui40-DpWIr5_6sDwK10W912pQy/view?usp=sharing Then, please refer this link to resolve this issu ...

The 'Tooltip' text is crashing into the text boxes of check out page There is an styling issue with the checkout. The 'Tooltip' text is crashing into the text boxes. Can this be removed?It's our how Claue designed, it's not a bugIf you want to achieve "remove tooltip", I recommend you to use c ...

How to uninstall the theme 1) Remove the theme files 2) Edit "theme" table and remove the theme 3) Remove the tables that rendered when you install the theme https://prnt.sc/xy92x5 4) Edit "eav_attribute" table then find the records that the "so ...

Effect on product details page Issue: I would like to disable zoom effect. Is it possible? Answer: In our theme, we use 2 effects for gallery: zoom  popup You can choose one to use. To be more specific, you simply cannot disable both of them, for e ...

How to disable some certain blocks on mobile/tablet view? We are suggesting you 2 solution1 - When you create a block by builder, you can add custom class to Custom Class field on builder, so if you want to hide it on mobile, let add this class: hidden-xs hidden-sm2- You can use c ...

Website loads slowly? The speed of a site depends on so many factors ( your server, the size of the image you use, minify js, css, merge css, js,..... ), now, it take a lot of time to waiting for the response from your server. So please check and ...

Why everything's empty on my homepage after I apply my backup package? You said that you'd applied again backup package several times Note: After restore everything from backup, you have 2 options to build content on homepage again - Build by F-builder manually again - Import xml file ( http ...

How to use custom style fucntion? Thank you for your interest in our themes. Now, if you want to some small styles that configuration can't meet your request, you can use custom style function. First, please read this document: https://www.magesolution.com ...

No get Promo Banner available In supro theme, now the Promo Banner is integrated into Fbuilder and it is not split into separate modules anymore.  So you will cannot add the Promo Banner available as the F- builder.

Share button For Share button, you can refer this below steps: Access Admin->MGS->Theme Setting->Share This->Is Enabled->Yes to active and follow the instructions.

Special request? Now, we know that perhaps you're facing some obstacles while using our themes, such as your site is too slow after installation or you have some ideals in your design that our configuration can't meet your request. Please und ...

How to install theme on mulitistore Please follow step by step below:1) Go to STORES -> All Store then create a new store view 2) Go to CONTENT -> Pages then create a new cms page, make sure it's layout is 1 column, not empty 3) Go to STORES -> Configuration ...

Customize "about us" and "contact us" pages Normally, we just need "/contact", we will have a contact default page, as you can see: https://molla.arrowtheme.com/us/contactwe just need "/about-us", we will have the "about us" default page, as you can see: https://moll ...

How to edit the " Size Guide" in product detail page. Step 1: Please got to this block:  Step 2: Edit text, then please save it:  Step 3: Please clear cache and it's done. 

Custom style is not applied? Please note: You need to make sure that you chose the proper storeview (Eg: Default storeview). Then you need to clear cache and check it again in your private browser modePlease check: Whether pub/media/mgs/css/custom_config ...

Make the filter on mobile like the demo site - Supro Now on our demo site of Supro, we are using "mgsmobile" theme, it is not responsive of desktop view, so if you want to your site look likes our demo site, please go to admin CONTENT -> Configuration edit store view you are us ...

How to add contact block to custom page? Actually contact-us form is not a cms block or cms page, it's just magento'd module. You can find it by youdomain/contact-usIf you want to add contact us-form to your custom page, you can refer this article to do so https:// ...

Can't change Products Hover Effect If you are in this case:  Trying to change MGS -> General Settings -> Catalog -> Products Hover Effect. There are three options to choose from. But no matter which effect you choose, the effect does not change on the c ...

How to change the theme color on your site Please refer our document to change your theme color http://themes.magesolution.com/unero/docs/m2/index.html#st-color-default Also you can use custom style https://www.magesolution.com/themes/claue/docs/m2/index.html#custo ...

Menu logo is not link to Home page. How can configure for it? Please go MGS -> Megamenu -> configuration and set this 

How can i create different layout for seperated category pages? Answer: GO To admin -> Manage Category and select particular category that you want different design: Tab "Design". In this tab, you can set 'Layout' to be 1 column, 2 or 3 column depending on your preferenceTab "MGS Theme S ...

How to install Full demo data Supro theme 1) You download the media, sql and quickstart page if you need here https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ap0ARM5alpqqgpFpHEWQ46TktMZpLw?e=C5KEZW 2) Install Magento2 and install the theme normally 3) Replace database with demo database 4) ...

How to set the label sale on all products To set the label sale, please go to admin -> Catalog -> Product -> Edit product -> Set Advanced Pricing Then, please go to admin -> MGS -> MGS Theme Settings -> Catalog (General Setting of Category Page and Catalog Sear ...

Compile errors while installing I've bought and installed the Magento theme, but unfortunately I'm facing issues during static-content compilation.Answer: Usually, Your problem occurs in 2 case: 1, You hadnt applied the compatible patch to your magento ve ...

How to create megamenu Actually you dont need to create a new one unless you want to use vertical menu, not horizontal one. You just need to add items to default menu (ID =1).  You can refer our document here:  https://www.magesolution.com/them ...

How to improve the site's speed Indeed, we do provide optimization service, but it's never an easy task. Actually, to make things to be easier, these are already two extensions that we can recommend you use to improve the site performance. https://pagespee ...

You want to remove a section in footer? I want to explain a little: You disabled, for example, the Instagram footer section however these sections is divided based on grid of boostrap. So if you want to remove white space, you need add custom css.  I will give y ...

Jquery warnings Jquery warnings: These warnings might make you think they slow down your site speed, but it's not actually the truth Those warnings are light warnings and I regret about this little annoying point, but it isn't a theme ...

"Best seller" on demo I want to have a best-seller or top-trending section: Answer: We dont have that function, but you can create a new product atrribute then name it “best-seller” or “top trending” Please refer our documentation: http: ...

How to update the theme in Supro theme 1) Specify what theme version you are using by going to admin MGS -> Theme Setting http://prntscr.com/ol4bsw 2) If you are using theme version 1.0.5 but the latest version is 1.0.8, so you have to update sequence 1.0.6 -> ...